For all enquiries and 24 hour

emergencies call: 02 9399 7722

PO Box 355, Horsley Park, NSW 2175


Intensive Care

At the hospital in Horsley Park we have the specialist expertise, experience and facilities to assess, treat and manage all kind of medical and surgical problems. Our intensive care facilities include several dedicated stalls which allow continuous intravenous fluid therapy with round the clock monitoring to correct the severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalances encountered in diseases like colitis (severe, life threatning diarrhoea and inflammation of the large bowel), colic and kidney disease.  We have sand stalls used to help manage horses with severe lameness due to laminitis, fractures, infected joints and tendon sheaths, as well as other significant traumatic injuries. Travel sickness and other forms of pleuropneumonia are relatively common and debilitating conditions which can required close, hospital based monitoring and treatment, including placing indwelling drains to release fluid between the chest wall and lung, as well as regular ultrasound assessment of the chest.


All our intensive and critical care patients receive continuous monitoring by a dedicated team of vets and nurses including registered specialists with the experience and skills to give the best possible outcome for you and your horse.